Sunday, 11 December 2011

Living Life is like Driving.

A sudden philosophical thought zoomed past my mind and I wish to pen it down:

Today while driving, I realized how similar driving was to living this Life..
In the beginning, it is all so scary and you feel so nervous and insecure. Then things settle down themselves and you learn to make your way through.

There are times you fly and there are times you HAVE to slow down. Sometimes the system is tired and you have to stop, recharge and start again. Sometimes you overtake and sometimes you trail behind, uselessly. Sometimes the roads are smooth and sometimes there are invisible pitholes.
There are traffic jams all the time. Sometimes you are stuck up so dreadfully that you feel the jam would never clear up.. but ultimately, they do and you move ahead again.

The roads are filled with idiots and so is Life.. You just learn to ignore them.

Maybe that's why some smart man called Life - 'A Road'... 'A Journey', where every venture teaches you a new lesson and every ride has a new tale to tell. 

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