Thursday, 31 August 2017

Meet only to part

Imagine a universe
where the full moon
never called out
to the tides;
or where the gentle breeze
didn't kiss your skin
on long neon rides.

Imagine a universe
where the waves never embraced
the sand on the shore;
or no flying embers
of a cozy bonfire
as you listen to ancient folklore.

Imagine a universe
where the clouds never
sent down rain;
or the comfort of
a wound healing
after scars, scabs and pain.

Imagine a universe
where the trees never shed
themselves in autumn;
or no beautiful rainbows
created out of the fusing
rain and summer sun.

Imagine a universe
where the moon never
awakened in drowsy daylight;
or where you didn't
have to hold on to the string
to fly your kite.

Imagine a universe
where the graphite of your pencil
never touched the paper;
or the brief connect of
two mountain ranges
where the sides taper.

So many things
in this world
meet only to part,
and there is beauty
in the separation -
in the chaos, there is art.

We only have what we have -
why get into the nitty-gritties;
you and I are atomically relevant
in such bigger infinities.

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